Cheap Is Expensive Part 2 – A Cautionary Tale

I hate to say “ I told you so” BUT,  I told you so!! A new potential client reached out to GOL, so I viewed their project and provided them a service offering. Throughout the process, they stressed the importance of a sustainable and environmentally friendly liquidation, which we specifically addressed.  There was also to be a resale credit for some of their office chairs, which we also included in our proposal.

Ultimately, they chose a firm I have never heard of. I tried to explain to them that they may find out that the vendor arrives and just takes the items of value, never to be seen again. Unfortunately, that is exactly what happened! I offered to remove the remaining items, of which 2/3 were going to be donated to Habitat for Humanity.  Again, they were cost-centric and chose a firm that was less than half of our investment amount.

I chalked it up to all in a day’s work, but sadly for the client the story didn’t end there.  They received a call from the EPA, as the vendor illegally dumped their inventory in a deserted marshy area of NJ. Now between having to pay fines, and use the EPA required vendor, they ended up paying close to 10X what my initial proposal was!!

As dear old dad always said, “cheap is expensive”.